Issue 52 – Feminist Politics and Women’s Labour July 8, 2020 Editors: Coşku Çelik, Deniz Parlak, Ecehan Balta, Melda Yaman, Yasemin Özgün. Women’s Labour at the Intersection of Capitalism and Patriarchy Gülnur Acar Savran –…
Issue 51 – Critical Political Economy of the World Order: Regions and Experiences April 8, 2020 Editors: Aylin Topal, Gökhan Demir, Melih Yeşilbağ, M. Gürsan Şenalp, Sümercan Bozkurt Reconsidering critical political economy within the context of crisis: Euro-zone crisis and…
Historical Materialism Ankara Conference December 30, 2019 We are pleased to present to you the poster we prepared for the Historical Materialism (HM) Ankara Conference.
Issue 50 – Critical Political Economy of the World Order: Crises and Tendencies in the 21. Century September 17, 2019 Editors: Aylin Topal, Gökhan Demir, M. Gürsan Şenalp, Melih Yeşilbağ, Sümercan Bozkurt. Global Capitalist Crisis and Twenty-First Century Fascism: Beyond the Trump Hype William…
Issue 49 – On Commons May 2, 2019 Editors: Coşku Çelik, Ali Ekber Doğan, Ali Rıza Güngen, Ali Yalçın Göymen Enclosures and the Hollowing Out of the Political: The Urban Regime…
Issue 48 – Marx200 February 14, 2019 Editors: Ali Yalçın Göymen, Melek Zorlu, Muammer Kaymak, Mustafa Kemal Coşkun New Horizons by Marx’s Ethnological Notebooks: Clues about Marx’s Thought on the…
Issue 47 – Method and Praxis December 13, 2018 Editors: Ali Yalçın Göymen, Çağlar Dölek, Fuat Ercan, Melehat Kutun The Twentieth- Century Origins of the Class Debate: Lukács, Poulantzas, and E.P….
Issue 46 1917 Russian Revolution in its First Century April 6, 2018 Special Editors: Remzi Altunpolat, Mustafa Kemal Coşkun, Mustafa Bayram Mısır, Tolga Tören, Sinan Yıldırmaz Chronology by Praksis On October Revolution Masis Kürkçügil, Metin Çulhaoğlu,…
We Lost Our Fellow Editor Nuray Ergüneş February 14, 2018 We are deeply sorry for the loss of our fellow editor and peace petitioner Nuray Ergüneş. She will be missed but never forgotten.
Issue 44-45 Capitalism State and Social Classes in Middle East January 25, 2018 Editors: Ferda Uzunyayla, Fuat Özdinç, M. Gürsan Şenalp, Hülya Kendir, Selime Güzelsarı In This Issue A Critique of Political Economy of the Neo-Ottomanism: The Rise…
Issue 20 – Materialist Feminism August 13, 2017 Editors: Demet Özmen, Nevra Akdemir Patriarchy and Informal Work: Unpaid Family Workers of Istanbul’s Garment Ateliers Saniye Dedeoğlu The result of implementation of export-oriented industrialization…
Issue 19 – Capital in Turkey: Fundamental Tendencies and Strategies August 13, 2017 Editors: Ebru Deniz Ozan, İbrahim Gündoğdu, Nuray Ergüneş, Fuat Ercan, Metin Altıok, Pınar Bedirhanoğlu Mapping Capital: Towards An Alternative Conceptual Apparatus Fuat Ercan This article…
Issue 18 – Historiography II August 13, 2017 Editors: Ateş Uslu, Attila Aytekin, Burak Gürel, Fatih Yaşlı, Ferdan Ergut, Fuat Özdinç, Güçlü Ateşoğlu, Sinan Yıldırmaz Democrat Party and its Period: In Search…
Issue 17 – Historiography I August 13, 2017 Editors: Ateş Uslu, Attila Aytekin, Burak Gürel, Fatih Yaşlı, Ferdan Ergut, Fuat Özdinç, Güçlü Ateşoğlu, Sinan Yıldırmaz Major Controversies in Materialist Historiography Şebnem Oğuz Marxist…
Issue 16 – Everyday Life and Labour Processes August 13, 2017 Editors: Besime Şen, Bülent Batuman, Nazır Kapusuz, Nevra Akdemir, Sinan Yıldırmaz, Tolga Tören Productive and Unproductive Labour: An Attempt at Clarification and Classification Sungur…