Issue 52 – Feminist Politics and Women’s Labour July 8, 2020 Editors: Coşku Çelik, Deniz Parlak, Ecehan Balta, Melda Yaman, Yasemin Özgün. Women’s Labour at the Intersection of Capitalism and Patriarchy Gülnur Acar Savran –…
Issue 51 – Critical Political Economy of the World Order: Regions and Experiences April 8, 2020 Editors: Aylin Topal, Gökhan Demir, Melih Yeşilbağ, M. Gürsan Şenalp, Sümercan Bozkurt Reconsidering critical political economy within the context of crisis: Euro-zone crisis and…
Historical Materialism Ankara Conference December 30, 2019 We are pleased to present to you the poster we prepared for the Historical Materialism (HM) Ankara Conference.
Issue 50 – Critical Political Economy of the World Order: Crises and Tendencies in the 21. Century September 17, 2019 Editors: Aylin Topal, Gökhan Demir, M. Gürsan Şenalp, Melih Yeşilbağ, Sümercan Bozkurt. Global Capitalist Crisis and Twenty-First Century Fascism: Beyond the Trump Hype William…
Issue 49 – On Commons May 2, 2019 Editors: Coşku Çelik, Ali Ekber Doğan, Ali Rıza Güngen, Ali Yalçın Göymen Enclosures and the Hollowing Out of the Political: The Urban Regime…
Issue 48 – Marx200 February 14, 2019 Editors: Ali Yalçın Göymen, Melek Zorlu, Muammer Kaymak, Mustafa Kemal Coşkun New Horizons by Marx’s Ethnological Notebooks: Clues about Marx’s Thought on the…
Issue 47 – Method and Praxis December 13, 2018 Editors: Ali Yalçın Göymen, Çağlar Dölek, Fuat Ercan, Melehat Kutun The Twentieth- Century Origins of the Class Debate: Lukács, Poulantzas, and E.P….
Issue 46 1917 Russian Revolution in its First Century April 6, 2018 Special Editors: Remzi Altunpolat, Mustafa Kemal Coşkun, Mustafa Bayram Mısır, Tolga Tören, Sinan Yıldırmaz Chronology by Praksis On October Revolution Masis Kürkçügil, Metin Çulhaoğlu,…